Friday, March 4, 2022

Advice From an Orca

As part of our ecosystem unit, the class has been studying whales of the Puget Sound, their environment, and what we can do to help conserve this endangered apex predator.  After learning about the importance of the matrilineage of whale families, students worked in groups to research a particular whale and create a poster to showcase its family tree and other fun facts about the whale.

Through a grant funded by NOAA, we had the opportunity to participate in a virtual field trip to the Whale Museum on San Juan Island as well as to adopt a whale! The class chose Oreo from J-Pod of the Southern Resident whales, and were so excited to be able to support her! This culminating activity was a highlight for us, and we all agreed that we hope to be able to visit Ms. Tracie at the Whale Museum in person some day.  

The students thought about life from the perspective of a whale, and came up with some ideas they felt whales might like to share:

Advice From an Orca

Family first.

Keep an eye open.

Call your friends, every day.

Whisper when you're near us so we can talk.

Stay with your pod.

Trust your grandma and respect your elders.

Work together always.

Be proud of your unique saddle patch.

To learn more about whales, including the incredible orcas, visit 

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